Uploading A Logo

You can upload your company logo by going to the "My Account Screen" and click "Upload a Logo" button.

upload a logo

You can then browse and upload your desired logo.

upload a logo 2

Please note, it has to be 45px high and 250px wide for the best look. This logo is only visible to the user when they log in and it can be seen at the upper left of the screen.

logo final

For the invoice logo, go to invoices and click on "Format"

invoice format

You will get this window where you can upload a logo, please note the recommended size should be 325px wide.

llogo invoice

This is the same for Estimate and Big Proposal.

estimate format

estimate format window

bib proposal logo

If you have any questions, please let me know. Take care and have a nice day.

Best regards,

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