App: Time Tracking in the APP

We have a great feature to track the time spent on the job using the customer factor mobile app which is available in IOS or android.

First, you need to log in the mobile app and you will have this screen:

Click "Calendars" and we will have Mrs. Tommy as our customer:

You will now get to the appointment screen and as you can see all the job details are here. In order to start tracking time, click on the timer on the top right:

You can click on the "Start Job Travel" button if the tech is on the way to the job site only if you are concerned with their travel time. Most of the users don't care to track their employee's travel time and they just go ahead and click "Begin Job" as soon as the tech starts working on the job.:

Please also notice the "Break" button, you can click on this anytime you want to have a break and just click resume when you're back on the job:

 Now the job is completed. It will show the total travel time if you were able to track it, time the job was started and time it was completed including the break details:

In order to see what happens with the job in the software, please log in to your TheCustomer Factor account and go to "Calendars".  As you can see the job for Mrs. Tommy was marked completed and grayed out, indicating the job is now completed.


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