Q & A: Big Proposal
Question: I'm trying to email a Big Proposal to a customer but I don't see the "Send Big Proposal" option in the email estimate window like I normally do. I'm not sure why. Can you help?
Answer: Whenever you run into this it means that the big proposal you created was not set up for the person/company you’re trying to send a big proposal to.
To explain, If you visit the
Big Proposal screen and look to the right of the big proposal that you created you'll see that it's set to "All Prospects":
So if it's set to "All Prospects" and you're trying to email the big proposal to a customer then you won't see the "Send Big Proposal" option in the customer's email estimate window:
So our recommendation is to change the "All Prospects" choice to "Prospects and Customers" or create one big proposal for prospects and one big proposal for customers (you can create an unlimited # of big proposals).
That'll ensure that you always end up with both the "Send Big Proposal" option and "Send just the Estimate" option in the email estimate window as shown: