Invoice Deposits
Adding a deposit amount in the invoice is possible here at The Customer Factor.
If you already had the invoice created and you want to add the deposit amount then you go ahead do the search in the "Invoices" tab. If this is for a particular individual, it will be quicker to just type in the last name/company name on the search box located at far right and click "search". Or you may utilize the search options on the left to customize your search:
All the invoices will then display in the "search results screen" based on your search criteria. And you can go ahead and click the invoice/invoices number:
If you want to create a new invoice, then instead of clicking "search" in the "invoices" tab, you need to scroll down and click the 'blank invoices" and create the new invoice.
Once you're on the "invoice" screen, you will find the "deposit due" at the bottom right of the page. You can then enter either dollar amount or percentage of the deposit as shown:
Make sure to click the "update" button on top of the page to save. And that's it. Once you email the invoice, you can inform your customer to pay the deposit due on the invoice. Take care for now.