Customer Email: Appointment Reminder

This automated appt reminder email gets triggered as a result of a job displaying on the calendar.

So please visit the email automation screen.

Or you can visit the email automation screen by hovering your mouse over the " My Account" tab, scrolling down to "Email Options", and clicking "Email Automation":

The appointment reminder (scheduled) is the second automated email on the screen so go ahead and tick the checkbox to the left of "Scheduled jobs (already on calendar)" under the "Appointment Reminders" heading. 

The next thing that you need to do is select the time you want the email to be sent. 7am is the default time. Most users leave it set to 7am. If you want to set it to a different time, just click the dropdown arrow and select your desired time:

You can then select from the dropdown the type of customer you want to send the appointment reminder email to. For example, maybe you want to set up one appt reminder email for residential customers and a different appt reminder email for commercial customers. For our example we'll select "All Residential Customers": 

If you do want to add another type of customer to send an email too, you can click on the "Select another group of Customers to send appointment reminder emails to" as shown in the image above. You can see below that I've selected 3 different types of customers just to give you a visual:

The next step is to type in the number of days in the box to the right of the dropdown that has the customer type in it. This indicates how many days prior to the appt that you want the email sent. 

The next thing to do is to click the "Sample Appointment Reminder Email" link that you see below to open up the sample email.

You can then use the sample appt reminder email "as is" or you can edit it to better fit your needs: 

Please note above the arrows pointing to the subject field, the message area, and the "Personalize" dropdowns. When you have your cursor in the editor the corresponding "Personalize" dropdown (the one right above editor) becomes active and when you insert your mouse into the "Subject" field that "Personalize" dropdown (to the right of the subject field) becomes active. 

You can then click the down arrow in whichever "personalize" dropdown is active and personalize the email (or subject field if you want to personalize the subject field). For example, maybe you want to show an arrival time in the email or maybe you want to display an employee photo, or maybe you want to display the location (full or partial) in the email, etc. So you can personalize the email quite a bit.

Then all you do is click the "Save & Activate" button to activate the email. Make sure to click "Update" at bottom of the "Customers" area and you're all set. You now have automated appt reminders to be sent x number of days prior to each and every customer job if the customer has an email address. Happy Trails! 

Best regards,

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