How to Mark a Job as "Completed"

Some users want to specifically mark jobs as completed. So there are two ways to mark a job "Completed". 
The first way is in the app. So in the app, you click on the appt name from the calendar and at the top of the next screen (appt screen) is the job status, so you simply change the job status from "Open" to "Completed". 

The second way is in the software on the daily calendar list view. To the right of every appt is a status dropdown. Again, this is on the list view only. Change it to completed and that will mark the job as "Completed".

Once a job is marked as completed the appt background turns grayish and fades out so at a glance on the daily calendar you know it's completed. If you want to know it's completed on monthly or weekly calendars there is a "Job Completed" option that you can "enable". That will put a line through each appt., Here is the option we're referring to:

Best Regards,

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