How to "Stop" Customer and Prospect Follow up Emails

So why would you need an option to stop follow up emails?
The reason is best explained with an example. Let's say you email a Big Proposal and then 2 days later a follow-up email gets sent to that individual. They reply back saying they're interested but they say they need a couple of months to get some things prepared. So you can just go into their callback window which opens from the profile screen and set a callback date for 2 months later and in the same window at the bottom you can stop the follow-up emails. 

Select the "Yes" radio button and click "Save".

It's important to note that you won't see this "Stop" option in the callback window if the prospect or customer is receiving no follow-ups because in that case there is nothing to stop. So the "Stop" option only appears if the prospect or customer is in the middle of receiving follow up emails.

Take care and have a great day!

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